Welcome to MICKA documentation!
Authors: Pavla Kramolišová, Lucie Kondrová, Olga Moravcová, Štěpán Kafka (Czech Geological Survey)
This Documentation provides detailed instuctions on using the the EGDI Metadata Catalogue as geospatial metadata catalogue and metadata editing tool.
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The EGDI Metadata Catalogue is available from: http://egdi.geology.cz/.
OGC CSW 2.0.2 ISO AP 1.0
ISO 19115/19119/19139
Feature Catalogue - ISO 19110
INSPIRE extended capabilities
Output: ISO 19139, JSON, GeoDCAT, ATOM, KML, HTML, RDFa
INSPIRE ATOM download service imlementation
Support for remote registries and thesauri (e.g. INSPIRE registry)
EGDI metadata profile is compliant with the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive for the metadata; the EN ISO 19115 terminology is implemented. Metadata are freely accessible to the public for viewing and searching, but inserting and editing is for authorized users only. For login use the login information that you received by personal email from the administrator (egdi.metadata@geology.cz).

Figure 1: The home page of the EGDI Metadata Catalogue
- 1. EGDI Metadata Cookbook Lite
- 2. EGDI Metadata Profile
- 3. System Information
- 4. Frequently asked questions
- 4.1. Metadata URL for uploading data
- 4.2. Inability to save metadata record
- 4.3. Metadata record not visible to all users
- 4.4. Search metadata by Project Name
- 4.5. Upload metadata from XML file
- 4.6. Use of example records
- 4.7. Unique resource identifier as URI
- 4.8. Adding Web Map URL to the dataset metadata as an on-line Resource Locator
- 4.9. Linking of dataset metadata - Source Citation and Parent Identifier elements
- 4.10. Metadata of a set of spatial products for one area
- 4.11. Validation of 3D models extended by vertical items compared to INSPIRE validation