2. EGDI Metadata Profile
Methodology for the unified metadata description of the results of GeoERA projects within the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) with the extension to describe 3D geological models
Document version |
Date |
Authors |
1.0 |
29.6. 2018 |
1.1 |
20.12. 2019 |
1.2 |
8.4. 2020 |
2.1. Abstract
This document has been created within Work Package 7 of the GeoERA GIP-P project and defines a unified methodology for a structured metadata description of the results of GeoERA projects (structured data that will be included in the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI)) with the extension to unify the description of 3D geological models.
2.2. Used abbreviations
European Geological Data Infrastructure |
General environmental multilingual thesaurus |
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community |
IR |
Implementing Rules of INSPIRE |
Joint Research Center of the European Commission |
MD |
metadata |
MetaInformation Catalogue |
2.3. Executive summary
Metainformation system for the storage of a structured description of diverse data sources (datasets, services, applications) has formed an integral part of the EGDI since its establishment. Recently, also 3D geological models have been produced as another form of project results which are also intended to be included in the EGDI platform. That implies a need to define an extended EGDI metadata profile for a unified description of these models in order to enable an effective search according to different user-defined parameters.
This proposed metadata profile is compatible with the international standard EN ISO 19115:2003(E) which is well usable also for the basic description of a model. In accordance with the rules for the metadata description of already existing data sources, it is proposed to fill in the metadata records for models bilingually (national language + English), which facilitates the cross-border use of the records within (but not exclusively) the GeoERA consortium. After a consultation with JRC it is proposed to create the metadata records for 3D geological models in accordance with the INSPIRE IR (with an extension). In this first phase it is proposed to describe individual models as datasets, with the option of a hierarchical aggregation under one project or any larger work.
A future extension to this metadata profile could be a more detailed description of the modelling parameters – these would probably have to be described by another standard because EN ISO 19115 is not suitable for this.
2.4. EGDI Metadata profile
2.4.1. Overview of the used metadata elements
The EGDI Metadata profile is defined by the EN ISO 19115:2003(E) metadata elements which are summarized in the table below and described in detail in chapter 3.2.
Table 1: EGDI metadata profile - summary of metadata elements
EGDI profile nr. |
INSPIRE profile nr. |
MD element title |
gation/c ondition a ccording to d escribed data source (Maximum occur rence) |
“2D” dataset |
3D model |
service |
1 |
1.1 |
Resource title |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
2 |
1.2 |
Resource abstract |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
3 |
1.3 |
Resource type |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
4 |
1.4 |
Resource locator |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
5 |
1.5 |
Unique resource id entifier |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
6.1 |
1.6 |
Coupled resource |
not ap plicable |
not ap plicable |
[0.. ] |
6.2 |
Coupling type |
not ap plicable |
not ap plicable |
[1] |
7 |
1.7 |
Resource language |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
not ap plicable |
8 |
2.1 |
Topic category |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
not ap plicable |
9 |
2.2 |
Service type |
not ap plicable |
not ap plicable |
[1] |
10.1 |
3.1 |
Keyword |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
10.2 |
3.2 |
Ori ginating co ntrolled vo cabulary |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
11.1 |
4.1 |
Ge ographic location |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
11.2 |
Ge ographic id entifier |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
12 |
Pres entation form |
[0.. ] |
[1.. ] |
not ap plicable |
13 |
Edition |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
not ap plicable |
14.1 |
5 |
R eference date |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
14.2 |
5.1 |
Resource temporal extent |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
15 |
6.1 |
Lineage |
[1] |
[1] |
not ap plicable |
16 |
6.2 |
Spatial re solution - Scale/ Distance |
[0.. ] |
[0.. ] |
not ap plicable |
17.1 |
7.1 |
Co nformity – Speci fication |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
17.2 |
7.2 |
Co nformity - Degree |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
18.1 |
8.1 |
Co nditions applying to access and use |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
18.2 |
8.2 |
Lim itations on public access |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
19 |
9.1 |
Res ponsible party |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
20 |
12 |
Data quality scope |
[1] |
[1] |
not ap plicable |
21 |
IOD-1 |
Co ordinate r eference system |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[0.. ] |
22 |
Vertical r eference system |
[1] |
[1] |
[0.. ] |
23.1 |
Vertical extent – max. model depth |
not ap plicable |
[1] |
not ap plicable |
23.2 |
Vertical extent – min. model depth |
not ap plicable |
[1] |
not ap plicable |
23.3 |
Vertical extent r eference system |
not ap plicable |
[1] |
not ap plicable |
24 |
IOD-3 |
Dist ribution format |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
not ap plicable |
25 |
IOD-6 |
Spatial repres entation type |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
not ap plicable |
26 |
Mai ntenance and update f requency |
[0..1] |
[0..1] |
not ap plicable |
27 |
Purpose |
[0..1] |
[0..1] |
not ap plicable |
28.1 |
10.1 |
Metadata point of contact |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
28.2 |
10.2 |
Metadata date |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
28.3 |
10.3 |
Metadata language |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
[1.. ] |
29 |
2.2.1 |
File id entifier |
[1] |
[1] |
[1] |
30 |
Parent id entifier |
[0..1] |
[0..1] |
not ap plicable |
Metadata elements marked with the “IOD” prefix are metadata elements for interoperability as defined in INSPIRE data specifications
2.4.2. Definition of the individual metadata elements of the profile Resource title
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
1 |
Title |
Resource title |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
Reference |
B 1.1 |
Title |
Resource title |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
360 |
Title |
title |
Definition |
Name by which the cited resource is known. |
XPath |
i dentificationInfo[1]/ /citation/ /title |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
Detailed structural geological 3D model of the Březový potok candidate site | Resource abstract
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
2 |
Title |
Resource abstract |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
Abstract should contain a brief description of the dataset or how a 3D model was created (for ex. “structural geological”), information about the used software and data inputs |
Reference |
B 1.2 |
Title |
Resource abstract |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
25 |
Title |
abstract |
Definition |
Brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s). |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /abstract |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
The detailed 3D structural geological model of the Březový potok candidate site summarizes the existing geological knowledge at one of the nine sites considered for the planned deep repository of high-level radioactive waste in the Czech Republic. The area of interest is characterized by simple geological structure that includes two lithotectonic units. Metamorphic rocks are of Prevariscan protolith, which was significantly reworked during variscan orogeny between c. 350 – 340 Ma and magmatic rocks of south-western margin of Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex which intruded into them at age around 345 Ma. The detailed 3D structural geological model of the Březový potok candidate site was created for SÚRAO (RAWRA) during the course of ZL U2304-010 “3D Structural Geological Models” solution. The model itself was created in MOVE software and was submitted to SÚRAO in native MOVE format and in 3D PDF format. | Resource type Resource locator
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
4 |
Title |
Resource locator |
Obligation |
Conditional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
Electronic address of the resource, if it exists. Recommendation: URL of a descriptive web page and/or link to an online visualization of the dataset/model. |
Reference |
B 1.4 |
Title |
Resource locator |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
397 |
Title |
linkage |
Definition |
Location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or similar addressing scheme. |
XPath |
distribution Info/ /transferOptions/ /onLine/ /linkage |
Data type |
class |
Domain |
CI_OnlineResource<<DataType>>(B.3.2.5) |
Example |
http://www.geolog y.cz/extranet-eng/science/earths-crust/3d | Unique resource identifier
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
5 |
Title |
Unique resource identifier |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Recommended format is organization ID (for ex. domain name) and identifier of the dataset defined by the data provider, for ex. “http s://www.domain.org/internal_identifier“ |
Reference |
B 1.5 |
Title |
Unique resource identifier |
Obligation |
Mandatory for datasets and data set series. |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
365 |
Title |
Identifier |
Definition |
value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace. |
XPath |
iden tificationInfo[1]/ /citation/ /identifier |
Data type |
MD_Identifier |
Domain |
See B.2.7.3 of ISO 19115. The code property is required at a minimum, and a codeSpace property may be provided. |
Example |
recommended format: h ttps://www.geology.cz/3D-SURAO-KRAVI_HORA | Coupled resource
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
6.1 |
Title |
Coupled resource |
Obligation |
Conditional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
Reference |
B 1.6 |
Title |
Coupled resource |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
ISO 19119: 2005(E) |
Number |
Element no.9 from table C.1 in Annex C.2.2 |
Title |
identification Info[1]/ /operatesOn |
Definition |
provides information on the datasets that the service operates on |
XPath |
identification Info/SV_ServiceIdent ification/operatesOn |
Attribute class or target class of role |
M D_DataIdentification |
Domain |
Example |
https://egdi. geology.cz/record/ba sic/5006a106-d66c-49 16-87bc-91c80a010817 |
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
6.2 |
Title |
Coupling type |
Obligation |
services |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile but is required by ISO 19119 |
ISO 19119: 2005/DAmd1 |
Number |
2.4, table 1, element no.3 from ISO 19119 |
Title |
couplingType |
Definition |
Type of coupling between service and associated data (if exists). |
XPath |
identificatio nInfo/ /CouplingType |
Data type |
code |
Domain |
SV_CouplingType (tight, mixed, loose) |
Example |
tight | Resource language
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
7 |
Title |
Resource language |
Obligation |
Mandatory - if the data doesn’t include any language items, please select the “no language” option |
Max. occurence |
[1..] |
Comment |
Reference |
B 1.7 |
Title |
Resource language |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[0..] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
39 |
Title |
language |
Definition |
Language(s) used within the datasets |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /language |
Data type |
LanguageCode (ISO/TS 19139) |
Domain |
Codelist (See ISO/TS 19139) based on alpha-3 codes of ISO 639-2. Use only three-letter codes from in ISO 639-2/B (bibliographic codes), as defined at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ The list of codes for the GeoERA partners and EGDI data providers: |
Example |
cze | Topic category
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
8 |
Title |
Topic category |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
“geoscientificInformation” should be filled (plus any other additional category, if applicable) |
Reference |
B 2.1 |
Title |
Topic category |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
41 |
Title |
topicCategory |
Definition |
Main theme(s) of the dataset |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /topicCategory |
Data type |
MD_TopicCategory |
Domain |
Enumeration (See B.5.27 of ISO 19115 or Part D 2 of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for Metadata) |
Example |
geoscientificInformation | Service type
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
9 |
Title |
Service type |
Obligation |
Mandatory for services |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
according to the INSPIRE service types, or determination of other types of services (OGC, ESRI) |
Reference |
B 2.2 |
Title |
Spatial data service type |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19119: 2005(E) |
Number |
Element no.1 in table C.1, Annex C.2.2 |
Title |
identification Info[1]/ /serviceType |
Definition |
a service type name from a registry of services |
XPath |
identification Info[1]/ /serviceType |
Data type |
GenericName |
Domain |
Example |
INSPIRE view | Keyword
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
10.1 |
Title |
Keyword |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
from the INSPIRE registry has to be filled.
keyword from the GeoERA thesaurus has to be filled.
spatial scope from the INSPIRE registry ( http://inspire.ec.euro pa.eu/metadata-codelist/SpatialScope ) will be provided as a URI via gmx:Anchor.
environmental reporting within INSPIRE directive, a Priority dataset keyword is mandatory (from http://inspire.ec.europa.eu /metadata-codelist/PriorityDataset )
needed. For the filtering purposes of harvested metadata records from local catalogues, the keyword “EGDI” is recommended. |
Reference |
B 3.1 |
Title |
Keyword value |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
53 |
Title |
keyword |
Definition |
Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject. |
XPath |
identificati onInfo[1]/ /descriptiveKeywords/ /keyword |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
Geology a.geoscience.earth/ncl/geoera/keyword/568 e.earth/egs/projects/35:sup:` [3]_` ; HIKE u/metadata-codelist/SpatialScope/national
tp://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codeli st/PriorityDataset/Boreholes-reco-2014-70
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
10.1 |
Title |
Keyword with type “stratum” |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
“stratum” can be added from a thesaurus (for ex. GeoERA keyword thesaurus or other officially registered thesaurus) in the form of URI to describe for ex. the modelled geological units. For GeoERA products, keywords must be selected from the GeoERA keyword thesaurus. |
Reference |
B 3.1 |
Title |
Keyword value |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
53 |
Title |
keyword |
Definition |
Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject. |
XPath |
identifica tionInfo[1]/ /descriptiveKeywords/ [ty pe/ /@codeListValue=’stratum’]/keyword |
Data type |
URI (+ CharacterString) |
Domain |
Example |
http:// resource.geolba.ac.at/GeologicUnit/736 |
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
10.1 |
Title |
Keyword with type “temporal” |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
“temporal” can be added from a thesaurus (for ex. GeoERA keyword thesaurus or other officially registered thesaurus) in the form of URI to describe for ex. the modelled geological units in the same order as the respective stratum keywords. |
Reference |
B 3.1 |
Title |
Keyword value |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
53 |
Title |
keyword |
Definition |
Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject. |
XPath |
identificat ionInfo[1]/ /descriptiveKeywords/ [typ e/ /@codeListValue=’temporal’]/keyword |
Data type |
URI (+ CharacterString) |
Domain |
Example |
https://data.ge oscience.earth/ncl/geoera/keyword/2231 |
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
10.1 |
Title |
Keyword with type “discipline” |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
“discipline” can be added from a thesaurus (for ex. GeoERA keyword thesaurus or other officially registered thesaurus) in the form of URI to describe for ex. the modelled geological units. |
Reference |
B 3.1 |
Title |
Keyword value |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
53 |
Title |
keyword |
Definition |
Commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject. |
XPath |
identificatio nInfo[1]/ /descriptiveKeywords/ [type/ /@codeListValue=’discipline’]/keyword |
Data type |
URI (+ CharacterString) |
Domain |
Example |
https://data.g eoscience.earth/ncl/geoera/keyword/568 | Originating controlled vocabulary
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
10.2 |
Title |
Originating controlled vocabulary |
Obligation |
from a controlled thesaurus, citation of the thesaurus has to be filled (at least the title and reference date with the date type). |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Reference |
B 3.2 |
Title |
Originating controlled vocabulary |
Obligation |
Conditional. Mandatory for datasets, data set series and services related directly to INSPIRE. |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
55 |
Title |
thesaurusName |
Definition |
Name of the formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of keywords. |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1] / /descriptiveKeywords/ /thesaurusName |
Data type |
CI_Citation |
Domain |
The following properties are expected: |
Example |
date: 2008-06-01; date type: publication | Geographic location
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
11.1 |
Title |
Geographic location |
Obligation |
for services |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Defined by the western and eastern longitude and southern and northern latitude in decimal degrees (2 digits precision) in the WGS-84 coordinate system. |
Reference |
B 4.1 |
Title |
Geographic bounding box |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] for datasets and data set series [0.. ] for services |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
343 |
Title |
EX_GeographicBoundingBox |
Definition |
geographic position of the dataset. This is only an approximate reference so specifying the coordinate reference system is unnecessary. |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /extent/ /geog raphicElement/EX_GeographicBoundingBox |
Data type |
EX_GeographicExtent |
Domain |
Lines 344-347 and 340 |
Example |
11.62 19.19 48.01 51.56 | Geographic identifier
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
11.2 |
Title |
Geographic identifier |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
whole country is selected from the https ://op.europa.eu/en/web/ eu-vocabularies/at-data set/-/resource/dataset/ country vocabulary |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
349 |
Title |
geographicIdentifier |
Definition |
identifier used to represent a geographic area |
XPath |
iden tificationInfo/ /extent / /geographicElement/ / geographicIdentifier |
Data type |
MD_Identifier |
Domain |
URI representing the geographic identification of the resource extent |
Example |
http://publica tions.europa.eu/resourc e/authority/country/CZE | Presentation form
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
12 |
Title |
Presentation form |
Obligation |
models |
Max. occurence |
models |
Comment |
“model digital” from the codelist. Not applicable for services. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
368 |
Title |
presentationForm |
Definition |
mode in which the resource is represented |
XPath |
ident ificationInfo[1]/ /cita tion/ /presentationForm |
Data type |
Class |
Domain |
CI_PresentationFormCode (Codelist B.5.4) |
Example |
model digital | Edition
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
13 |
Title |
Edition |
Obligation |
Conditional for 3D models – if there are/will be more versions of the model, it is mandatory to fill this element |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
identifier) and optionally also text description (for ex. relation to previous model versions) |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
363 |
Title |
edition |
Definition |
Version of the cited resource |
XPath |
identificationInfo[ 1]/ /citation/ /edition |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
new geophysical survey |
Reference date
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
14.1 |
Title |
Reference date |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Date of creation must be filled, optionally also other types of reference dates can be added (publication date/date of the last revision). |
Reference |
B 5.4, optionally also B 5.3 or B 5.2 |
Title |
Date of creation |
Obligation |
Conditional: At least one temporal reference is required. |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] but at least one temporal reference is required. |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
362 |
Title |
date |
Definition |
Reference date for the cited resource |
XPath |
identificationIn fo[1]/ /citation/ /date |
Data type |
class |
Domain |
CI_Date (B.3.2.4) <<DataType>> |
Example |
creation | Resource temporal extent
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
14.2 |
Title |
Resource temporal extent |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
This element should be filled if the resource has a temporal extent (either as a time instant, or a range of dates of validity).
with either the start or the end date unknown, the elements gml:startPosition or gml:endPosition may be used with an empty value and the attribute indeterminatePosition with value “unknown”. If the temporal extent is on-going, the gml:endPosition may be used with an empty value and the attribute indeterminatePosition with value “now”. |
Reference |
B 5.1 |
Title |
Temporal extent |
Obligation |
Conditional: At least one temporal reference is required. |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] but at least one temporal reference is required. |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
337 |
Title |
temporalElement |
Definition |
provides temporal component of the extent of the referring object |
XPath |
identificationInfo/ /extent/ /t emporalElement/ /EX_TemporalExtent/extent |
Data type |
Association |
Domain |
EX_TemporalExtent (B.3.1.3) |
Example |
2002-01-30 - now | Lineage
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
15 |
Title |
Lineage |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
processing and/or the overall quality of the dataset, including information on the input data, SW used, if the data/model has been approved etc. Not applicable for services. |
Reference |
B 6.1 |
Title |
Lineage |
Obligation |
Mandatory for data sets and data set series |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
83 |
Title |
statement |
Definition |
general explanation of the data producer’s knowledge about the lineage of a dataset |
XPath |
dataQualityInfo/ /lineage/ /statement |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
regional model, with emphasis put on the central part containing the exploratory area. The model itself was created in MOVE software and was submitted in native MOVE format and in 3D PDF format. | Spatial resolution
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
16 |
Title |
Scale/Distance |
Obligation |
scale or spatial resolution can be determined |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
Comment |
of scales for which the data/model can be usable (repeatable item) |
Reference |
Part B 6.2 |
Title |
Spatial resolution |
Obligation |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
38 |
Title |
spatialResolution |
Definition |
factor which provides a general understanding of the density of spatial data in the dataset |
XPath |
id entificationInfo/ /spatialResolution |
Data type |
Class |
Domain |
MD_Resolution <<Union>> (B.2.2.5) |
Example |
50000 100 m | Conformity – Specification
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
17.1 |
Title |
Conformity - specification |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
adopted according to the Article 7, section 1 of the 2007/2/ES Directive (INSPIRE). If the dataset or data set series are not within the scope of INSPIRE, fill in the citation of the Directive and then the element 17.2 will have the value “false”. |
Reference |
B 7.1 |
Title |
Specification |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] understood in the context of a conformity statement when reported in the metadata – there may be more than one conformity statement. |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
130 |
Title |
specification |
Definition |
citation of the product specification or user requirement against which data is being evaluated. |
XPath |
data QualityInfo/ /report/DQ_DomainConsistency / result/DQ_ConformanceResult/specification |
Data type |
CI_Citation |
Domain |
The following properties are expected: |
Example |
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
| Conformity - Degree
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
17.2 |
Title |
Conformity - Degree |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
non-conformant, Blank field = not evaluated |
Reference |
B 7.2 |
Title |
Degree |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] Understood in the context of a conformity statement when reported in the metadata – there may be more than one conformity statement. |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
132 |
Title |
Pass |
Definition |
indication of the conformance result |
XPath |
dataQualityInfo/ /report/ /result/ /pass |
Data type |
Boolean |
Domain |
Example |
false | Conditions applying to access and use
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
18.1 |
Title |
Conditions applying to access and use |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Description of the Conditions applying to access and use of the model; information about fees, if applicable (text description or a URL of a descriptive document).
model – fill in the element “Use Constraints” = „otherRestrictions“ and in the element otherConstraints fill in the information about licensing or a URL of a descriptive document (for ex. URL of a CC license).
conditions apply” and if the conditions are unknown, fill in “conditions unknown” (from the INSPIRE codelist http ://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist /ConditionsApplyingToAccessAndUse ). |
Reference |
B 8.1 |
Title |
Conditions applying to access and use |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
71 |
Title |
useConstraints |
Definition |
constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations or warnings on using the resource or metadata |
XPath |
/otherConstraints |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
72 |
Title |
otherConstraints |
Definition |
other restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource or metadata |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1] / /resourceConstraints/ /otherConstraints |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
Other restrictions; http://inspire.ec.e uropa.eu/metadata-codelist/ConditionsAppl yingToAccessAndUse/conditionsUnknown ; conditions to access and use unknown | Limitations on public access
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
18.2 |
Title |
Limitations on public access |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
on public access to a dataset or a service according to the Article 13 of the 2007/2/ES Directive. Fill in the element “Access Constraints” = „otherRestrictions“ and in the element otherConstraints fill in the information about limitations on access (for INSPIRE data, choose from the INSPIRE codelist http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-c odelist/LimitationsOnPublicAccess ).
“no limitations to public access” ( http://insp ire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/Limita tionsOnPublicAccess/noLimitations from the INSPIRE codelist).
data” in this element. |
Reference |
B 8.2 |
Title |
Limitations on public access |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
70 |
Title |
accessConstraints |
Definition |
access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the resource. |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /resourceConstrai nts/MD_LegalConstraints/accessConstraints |
Data type |
MD_RestrictionCode |
Domain |
Codelist (strictly limited to the value defined in B.5.24 of ISO 19115) |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
72 |
Title |
otherConstraints |
Definition |
other restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource or metadata. |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1] / /resourceConstraints/ /otherConstraints |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
74 |
Title |
classification |
Definition |
name of the handling restrictions on the resource. |
XPath |
/classification |
Data type |
MD_ClassificationCode |
Domain |
Codelist (See B.5.11 of ISO 19115) |
Example |
htt p://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelis t/LimitationsOnPublicAccess/noLimitations |
Responsible party
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
19 |
Title |
Responsible party |
Obligation |
the organization, name of the author of the dataset/model, email address, role |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
in English and it is recommended to add its abbreviation in the parantheses at the end. Organization or person who is the primary provider of the dataset or service will have the role “custodian”. The custodian has the right to commission other organization to create the data source – this organization will have the role “originator” or “author” (in case of enforcing the intellectual property rights to the data source). All institutions or organizations that buy or take over the rights to use the data source will have the role “user”. |
Reference |
B 9.1 |
Title |
Responsible party |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
29 |
Title |
pointOfContact |
Definition |
identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the resource(s) |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1]/ /pointOfContact |
Data type |
CI_ResponsibleParty |
Domain |
The following properties are expected: |
Example |
Authority (SÚRAO)
| Data quality scope
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
20 |
Title |
Data quality scope |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
information is applied to the whole dataset or only its part (object class, attributes, …). Not applicable for services. |
Reference | |
Title |
Scope |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
79/139 |
Title |
level |
Definition |
hierarchical level of the data specified by the scope |
XPath |
dataQualityInfo/ /scope/ |
Data type |
Class |
Domain |
MD_ScopeCode <<CodeList>> (B.5.25) |
Example |
dataset | Coordinate reference system
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
21 |
Title |
Coordinate reference system |
Obligation |
datasets, optional for services |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Description of the coordinate reference system(s) used in the dataset (EPSG code and URL). |
Reference |
Metadata for interoperability (1) |
Title |
Coordinate Reference System |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
13 |
Title |
referenceSystemInfo |
Definition |
description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset |
XPath |
ref erenceSystemInfo/ /ref erenceSystemIdentifier |
Data type |
Association |
Domain |
MD_ReferenceSystem (B.2.7) |
Example |
tp://www.opengis.net/d ef/crs/EPSG/0/5514 ; EPSG 5514 | Vertical reference system
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
22 |
Title |
Vertical reference system |
Obligation |
models |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
Description of the vertical reference system used in the dataset (EPSG code and URL). |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile but uses the same metadata elements as the element “Coordinate reference system” |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
13 |
Title |
referenceSystemInfo |
Definition |
description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset |
XPath |
r eferenceSystemInfo/ /re ferenceSystemIdentifier |
Data type |
Association |
Domain |
MD_ReferenceSystem (B.2.7) |
Example |
http://www.opengis.n et/def/crs/EPSG/0/5705; EPSG 5705 | Model vertical extent
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
23.1 |
Title |
Minimum |
Obligation |
models |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
numerically smaller vertical limit of the model interlinked with the reference system in element 23.3 (local system or a defined vertical coordinate system). If you want to describe the model depth in a local system, choose Local (EPSG code 1049) and enter positive value (Z axis is in the direction from the surface to the Earth’s core).
context of the whole element 23 – if the 23.1 element is filled, than 23.2 and 23.3 must also be filled. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
355 |
Title |
minimumValue |
Definition |
lowest vertical extent contained in the dataset |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1 ]/ /extent/ /verticalEl ement/EX_VerticalExtent |
Data type |
Real |
Domain |
Real |
Example |
500 |
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
23.2 |
Title |
Maximum |
Obligation |
models |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
numerically larger vertical limit of the model interlinked with the reference system in element 23.3 (local system or a defined vertical coordinate system). If you want to describe the model depth in a local system, choose Local (EPSG code 1049) and enter positive value (Z axis is in the direction from the surface to the Earth’s core).
context of the whole element 23 – if the 23.2 element is filled, than 23.1 and 23.3 must also be filled. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
356 |
Title |
maximumValue |
Definition |
highest vertical extent contained in the dataset |
XPath |
identificationInfo[1 ]/ /extent/ /verticalEl ement/EX_VerticalExtent |
Data type |
Real |
Domain |
Real |
Example |
2500 |
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
23.3 |
Title |
Vertical extent reference system |
Obligation |
models |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
reference system that is used in the vertical extent elements (EPSG code and URL). It can be a local system (depth from the surface) – EPSG 1049. Mandatory, if elements 23.1 and 23.2 are filled. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
13 |
Title |
referenceSystemInfo |
Definition |
description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset |
XPath |
r eferenceSystemInfo/ /re ferenceSystemIdentifier |
Data type |
Association |
Domain |
MD_ReferenceSystem (B.2.7) |
Example |
et/def/crs/EPSG/0/1049 | Distribution format
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
24 |
Title |
Distribution format |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
either selected from the INSPIRE codelist, or entered as a freetext (especially in the case of specialized modelling SW). This element will be given as a URI via gmx:Anchor for the name of the distribution format <gmd:name> |
Reference |
Metadata for interoperability (3) |
Title |
Encoding |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
271 |
Title |
distributionFormat |
Definition |
provides a description of the format of the data to be distributed |
XPath |
distributionIn fo/ /distributionFormat |
Data type |
Association |
Domain |
MD_Format (B.2.10.4) |
Example |
.ec.europa.eu/media-typ es/application/gml+xml; gml+xml | Spatial Representation Type
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
25 |
Title |
Spatial representation type |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
Not applicable for services. |
Reference |
Chapter. 8 INSPIRE Data Specification on … – Guidelines |
Title |
Data Identification – Spatial Representation Type |
Obligation |
Mandatory. Optional for themes from annex I/5 |
Max. occurence |
[0.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
37 |
Title |
sp atialRepresentationType |
Definition |
method used to spatially represent geographic information |
XPath |
identificationInfo/ /sp atialRepresentationType |
Data type |
Class |
Domain |
MD_Spatia lRepresentationTypeCode <<CodeList>> (B.5.26) |
Example |
tin | Maintenance and Update Frequency
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
26 |
Title |
Maintenance and Update Frequency |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0..1] |
Comment |
interval is not present in the mainte nanceAndUpdateFrequency codelist, fill in the value “unknown” and in the userDefi nedMaintenanceFrequency element fill the appropriate interval in accordance with the ISO 8601: P<number><period>, where period is Y – year, M-month, D-day, H-hour, for ex. “P5Y” denominates the period of 5 years. Not applicable for services. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
30 |
Title |
resourceMaintenance |
Definition |
provides information about the frequency of resource updates, and the scope of those updates |
XPath |
iden tificationInfo/ /resour ceMaintenance/ /mainten anceAndUpdateFrequency, případně ident ificationInfo/ /resourc eMaintenance/ /userDefi nedMaintenanceFrequency |
Data type |
Class |
Domain |
MD_M aintenanceFrequencyCode <<CodeList>> (B.5.18), TM_PeriodDuration |
Example |
unknown, P3Y | Purpose
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
27 |
Title |
Purpose |
Obligation |
optional |
Max. occurence |
[0..1] |
Comment |
for which the data source was created (internal project identifier, scope, type of data/model, …). |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
26 |
Title |
purpose |
Definition |
summary of the intentions with which the resource(s) was developed |
XPath |
ident ificationInfo/ /purpose |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
Project nr. 321560 | Metadata point of contact
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
28.1 |
Title |
Metadata point of contact |
Obligation |
the organization (name should be filled in English and it is recommended to add its abbreviation in the parantheses at the end), email address, role |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
for one organization. |
Reference |
B 10.1 |
Title |
Metadata point of contact |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
8 |
Title |
contact |
Definition |
party responsible for the metadata information. |
XPath |
contact |
Data type |
CI_ResponsibleParty |
Domain |
The following properties are expected: |
Example |
| Metadata date
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
28.2 |
Title |
Metadata date |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
Date stamp is created automatically. |
Reference |
B 10.2 |
Title |
Metadata date |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
9 |
Title |
dateStamp |
Definition |
Date that the metadata was created. |
XPath |
dateStamp |
Data type |
Date |
Domain |
ISO 8601 |
Example |
2018-06-30 | Metadata language
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
28.3 |
Title |
Metadata language |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1.. ] |
Comment |
records for GeoERA projects in English + optionally in national language. |
Reference |
B 10.3 |
Title |
Metadata language |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
3 |
Title |
language |
Definition |
Language used for documenting metadata. |
XPath |
language |
Data type |
LanguageCode (ISO/TS 19139) |
Domain |
Codelist (See ISO/TS 19139) based on alpha-3 codes of ISO 639-2. Use only three-letter codes from in ISO 639-2/B (bibliographic codes), as defined at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ The list of codes for the 23 official EU languages is: |
Example |
cze | File identifier
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
29 |
Title |
File identifier |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
Comment |
metadata file in the form of automatically generated UUID |
Reference |
2.2.1 (Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE dataset and service metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:2007) |
Title |
File identifier |
Obligation |
Mandatory |
Max. occurence |
[1] |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
2 |
Title |
fileIdentifier |
Definition |
unique identifier for this metadata file |
XPath |
fileIdentifier |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
00d32154-1656 -4fcc-9ddd-6dbe9a1baeb0 | Parent identifier
EGDI Profile |
Reference number |
30 |
Title |
Parent identifier |
Obligation |
Optional |
Max. occurence |
[0..1] |
Comment |
parent metadata file (for ex. if a dataset belongs to a data set series). Not applicable for services. |
Reference |
This element is an extension to the INSPIRE profile |
ISO 19115 |
Number |
5 |
Title |
parentIdentifier |
Definition |
file identifier of the metadata to which this metadata is a subset (child) |
XPath |
parentIdentifier |
Data type |
CharacterString |
Domain |
Free text |
Example |
00d32154-1656 -4fcc-9ddd-6dbe9a1baeb0 |
2.5. References
EN ISO 19115 Geographic Information – Metadata, 2003 Czech National Metadata Profile, version 4.2 (5.2.2020, TWG Metadata)
EC Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE)
EC REGULATION No 1205/2008 (Metadata) Technical Guidelines for implementing dataset and service metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:2007, version 2.0.1, 2017-03-02